Friday 5 February 2016

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

It will be hard to properly showcase all the highlights from the wonderful week we had!  From Monday's field trip to Chinatown, to Thursday's special Setsubun activities, to Friday's CNY celebrations, plus all the learning happening in the classroom... there's so much to talk about!

Monday -Chinatown Field Trip

Thank you, Jiang Laoshi, for organising the trip!

"I saw lots of red decorations."

Thursday -Setsubun Festival came to K1 CaM

Preparing their origami boxes

Listening to the story

The Oni!
Throw soybeans at him!
Chase away the evil, bring in good luck for the new year!

When we came back to the classroom the students were full of questions and wonderings about the Oni character:

"Does the Oni only live in Japan?" -Nadia

"Why are they scared of soybeans?" -Aidan

"I wonder why there are Oni?" -Agnes

"I wonder why the Onis want the girls." -Laura

"I wonder why the Onis want the girls instead of boys?" -Lyla

"Maybe because they're boys..." Liam

Can Onis be girls?

Friday -CNY Celebrations

Looking good!

The Lion Dance

The Mask Dancer

The students were fascinated!

Discovery Time

"How tall can you make your tower?" was all it took to get some students excited about building with the blocks this week.  I was impressed with their sustained efforts, their determination to keep trying even when the structures frequently collapsed, their willingness to let others join in and help them. Through this collaboration the students achieved great results.

Now I couldn't help but notice that it was all boys in this area... I plan to show the students some famous buildings and landmarks from around the world.  I'll make sure to feature the work of Zaha Hadid!

Tall towers everywhere!


  • Seesaw Trial

Most parents have responded to the initial Seesaw invitation sent through your email, and you should now be able to access your child's online journal.  If you have not yet done so, or you aren't sure what to do, please just send me an email and I can help you -I wouldn't want you to miss out on seeing your child in action!
Any questions, comments and feedback about this digital platform are very welcome.

  • Parents, you can access Chinese Shared Resources through this link:

Year of the Monkey
Thank you for thinking of Aunty Poh!

Wishing everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

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