Friday 29 January 2016

"Nothing Without Joy"

I missed my students this week!  Between a Grade Curriculum Coordinator meeting on Tuesday, and three days out at a workshop (Making Learning Visible -it was very good!) I feel like I've hardly had any time with them.  Good thing next week will be back to normal, with our upcoming trip to Chinatown on Monday and busy days after that.

Lyla's survey
On Tuesday I thought I would give the students
a break from their morning sign-in question.
But they were having none of that!
Lyla thought up a question; she prepared the paper
and she polled her classmates.

The students' interest in retelling the Gruffalo continued this week.  If you missed last week's post (scroll down and check it out), the students were making Gruffaloes out of different materials, scrap paper, bits and bobs, and playdough.  This week they were acting it out, using cut out characters, referring back to the book to remind themselves of the Gruffalo's characteristics and the sequence of events.

Snapshots of the students in action, enjoying our outside area:

I love to take photographs.  I love it so much that I need to remind myself that the students are now very capable and competent in this area and that it's time I handed over the power of documentation to them. Because while at the beginning of the process I got a lot of this:

Now I am getting images from perspectives that I would never have thought of...


K1 CaM will be going to Chinatown on Monday, February 1.  Any and all parents who have volunteered are welcome; this is a trip that requires as many people as possible so if you have signed up (and I am very grateful that many of you have) please know that you are counted in as coming.  Please wear your most comfortable shoes and clothes (every time we go it's really hot there!) and be in the pod by 9:45am so that we can have a quick chat about the excursion before we leave at 10:00am.  We aim to be back at school by 12:00pm.

Don't miss the Community Fair this Saturday, January 30, 10am-4pm.  There will be games, food, and vendors galore!  

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