Friday 22 January 2016

"A Gruffalo! Why, didn't you know..."

The students enjoyed the performance of "The Gruffalo" very much.  The actors did a great job retelling the story, with lots of audience participation and many moments that made the students laugh.  Prior to the trip we read the story in class and during Discovery Time we had some related activities to get the students tuned in.

Design your own Gruffalo...
What details will you add?

He has orange eyes and a tongue that's black!

Remember the teacher-made Mrs. Wishy Washy Character headbands?
The girls thought to make their own Gruffalo character ones!

Some students opted to try making the Gruffalo out of playdough and assorted bits and pieces.  Some squished him flat to the tray, keeping it close to two dimensional while others tried to create a 3D model.  They took photos of their finished creations and shared some thoughts and ideas about the Gruffalo.

Studying the picture in the book, looking to see what else needs to be added
Just look at those turned out toes and knobbly knees!
"The Gruffalo finds a little mouse..."

The students each made a reflection page about their experiences at the performance.  Many talked about their favourite parts of the performance.  The highlight (or should that be the low point?) of the performance for me was when the Gruffalo jumped off the stage and messed up my hair (yes, that really happened, much to the amusement of the class!).


I am hoping that early next week you will all receive an invitation to join Seesaw (the online digital platform I am trialling) and that through this you will be able to see more moments of your child's learning and experiences in K1 CaM.  Any comments or feedback you have about this will be very welcome!

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