Friday 4 December 2015

The beautiful, busy world in our classroom

From our Pod Time on Monday, to this afternoon's Make and Take session with parent volunteers, the students have been so busy exploring and creating through different mediums.  Some students used the overhead projector in the dark room to make works of art on the wall.

Arranging the shapes

Admiring the results

Some students tried tracing around the shadow profile of their friends.

Vivian brought in some old National Geographic Calendars for Make and Take, and the students really enjoyed looking at the stunning landscapes.  Some students tried to capture the essence of the photos through sketching and painting.  When engaging in activities like these, our youngest learners are actually touching upon one of the essential understanding in our science curriculum, that scientists develop sketches as a way to communicate ideas.

Experimenting with watercolours

Noticing details

Our future artists -and botanists!
The students were also busy with some literacy activities this week.  Our student teacher, Ms. Tyler, read the story "Wombat Stew" and the students were very eager to draw "yucky" things they would add to the mix.

Demonstrating labeling 

We built upon the Three Billy Goats Gruff lesson Celena Larkey modelled for the class last week, and the students thoroughly enjoyed retelling this story.

We ended the week listening to Jack Hartmann's song rendition of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and he changes the ending: "Hey, we don't have to fight!  I help you, you help me, let's live together in harmony.  And they shook hands, and gave two thumbs up, and that's the story of the Billy Goats Gruff..."  Well, I wasn't sure what they would make of that, so we took a quick survey and tallied the results.

It was actually a much closer result than I expected
-I thought the troll getting bumped would win by a LANDSLIDE!

A retelling the story station was put out at Discovery Time and many students chose this option, which was very nice to see.

The Learning Journals went home in your child's blue folder today.  Please look for it and spend some time discussing it with your child.  I welcome your contributions to the book; please look to see places where I have asked you some prompts.  Here is an example of a parent reply to a prompt.
So nice to see what students do at home!

If you have any questions at all about Learning Journals, I would suggest attending the workshop being conducted by Carla Marschall, our Vice Principal of Curriculum, this Monday, December 7, from 8:30-9:30am.

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