Friday 8 January 2016

Trolls cannot be fluffy!

Welcome back to the magical world of Kindergarten!  The students were very excited to see their friends again.  They spent time talking about their holidays and painted some pictures about their adventures.

"I went to the beach in Phuket."
"I went to Legoland."
"I went to Japan with my mommy, my daddy and my sister."

As a few students went away to colder climes we revisited the ice and water centre at Discovery Time.  It was interesting to see the way the play had changed from their initial explorations.  Whereas before they were experimenting, trying to break the ice apart to change it into snow, now they used it as more of a prop and a setting for storytelling with the polar bears.

I have to say I was very impressed with how settled the students were, how easily they fell back into the classroom routines and how they all seem to have grown and matured.  Here are a couple of snapshots that highlight what I saw:

Remembering something he made before the holidays, reviewing his work, recreating it

Lots of book making this week; sharing their stories with friends

 But I think my favourite part of the week was a flight of imagination we took together on Wednesday afternoon.  I found a note left on my chair:

The video will show you how the story unfolds...

"Trolls cannot be fluffy!" -Yaana
"Then they would be sheep." -Liam
"That doesn't even make any sense." -Lyla
"Then they wouldn't even be scary..." -Liam
"Trolls have dirty toes!" -Lyla
Oh the wonderful, magical, make-believe world of Kindergarten!


Today in the blue folders two permission forms went home.  We have an upcoming field trip to Chinatown, and while this outing has easily been a class favourite in previous years, it is definitely an excursion that requires as many parents as possible.  If you can volunteer, please do so, as the more we have the better the experience is for everyone.

Swimming in PE starts next week.  Please check that your child's school clothes have his/her name on every item.  If you have a chance to practise changing at home sometime this weekend, it would really be appreciated (please include your child gathering up his/her discarded clothes and putting them into some semblance of a pile in the practise session, as that tends to be where clothes get mixed up).  Thank you!

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