Thursday 28 April 2016

“Is a coconut a seed?”

Charlie's Show and Tell got us drawing and talking about coconuts!

This question got us thinking...
Liam was the first one in class, and he started off our survey, signing in on the "Yes" side. Immediately there was some debate...
“No, because it’s big.  It’s big and it’s not titchy as a seed. It’s not the same size.” -Lyla
“Are all seeds the same size?” -Ms. Malone
“Yeah, no, so it’s not a seed.” -Lyla- “I think Liam’s the only one who will say it’s a seed.”
“Yes... It’s like a seed which is grown up.” -Aaryav
“No.  It’s a coconut. It’s just a coconut.” -Aidan
A former student, now in grade 2, came in to say hello...
“You came at just the right time to help my friends read a tricky sentence today.  Do you think that you could help them?” -Ms. Malone
“Is a coconut a seed?” -Kristina- “I have no idea! I don’t know! Do you know?”
“I don’t know either.” -Ms. Malone
“Maybe we can discover today.” -Julianna
“What’s your best guess, Julianna?” -Ms Malone
“No.  It’s too big.” -Chloe
“I think it’s a big seed.” -Julianna
“Yes, because it looks like the shape of a seed.” -Charlie
“It looks like a giant seed, yeah, it looks like the shape of a seed, but a bigger version.” -Alfie
“A coconut is just a coconut.” -Kai
“It’s a bigger version of a seed.” -Alfie
“Coconuts are not seeds.” -Kai- “They’re just coconuts!”
“Yes... there’s a lot of holes but nothing’s coming out.” -Chloe
“Yes, because I think it’s a big seed.” -Olivia
“Why is everybody saying “yes” now?” -Kai
“It’s quite heavy.” -Agnes
“Is a coconut a seed? No, because coconuts are too big and the coconuts are food but they don’t grow.” -Laura- ”And it’s too big to plant it, and it would take a really long time and they won’t grow.”
“Coconuts can’t grow because they’re so big and round.” -Agnes -”There’s not enough dirt to cover a whole coconut.”
“Yes, because it’s the right size.” -Rinka
“Is a coconut a seed? The answer’s no, because if a coconut is a seed how will you eat it when it’s in the dirt?” -Yaana
“No, because once you take it out of the dirt it will be so yucky.” -Christopher
“Som, why did you sign in the middle?” -Ms. Malone
“Because I don’t really know.” -Som
“No, no, no, no.” -Vivian -"I agree with Yaana."
“Yes, because it has all those dots on it.” -Mercer
“Well, you can’t plant anything.” -Ben
“Because it’s a nut and a nut does not have a seed to plant; it just grows on a tree.” -Ante
“Is a coconut a seed?” -Ms. Malone
“No, because it just grows on trees.” -Ben
“I think no because it’s a big nut.” -Mira
“No, because a seed is like, small (makes a small circle with his fingers). -Ante

So many ideas and theories about seeds for us to explore...

For a short week there were a quite few inquiries happening:

What will happen to the water in the jars?
By the end of the day a little bit had transferred to the empty jar
The next morning... Surprise!
A lot of water was in the jar, and it was green!
The blue and yellow food colouring mixed together. 
Rich storytelling inspired by projections
and light exploration

Noticing the exterior details about the fish
Wondering about what was inside the fish...
Drawing their observations

Thank you again for coming to last week's SLCs. I hope everyone enjoyed the experience.  Your children were very pleased that you came to spend time with them in the classroom!

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