Sunday 17 April 2016

Term three already, can you believe it?

The students were in very good spirits this week; they were clearly excited to see their friends again, and to talk about their holiday adventures.  Some had photos to share, which tied in very nicely with their term two landmarks and buildings activities and inspired a new round of classroom construction.

Flower Hunts around the school remain a popular option.  Ms. Marschall brought a group out for a nature walk and they practised their photography skills while looking for flowers.

This interest in plants continues back inside the classroom.

The students were also very busy preparing for Thursday's upcoming Student Led Conferences.  An email from the school was sent out last week telling you of the time you and your child are meant to come to the classroom.  If you have not yet received the email or are unsure about your time (or what Student Led Conferences entail) please let me know, and I'll be happy to help you.  The children are very excited at the thought of spending time with you at school!

On a related note, please think to add an extra 15-20 minutes before or after your SLC so that you can bring your child to the RBT to explore and contribute to the K1 Art Exhibition.  They have a choice of art activities and we hope each child will participate and create something to be added to our project.

This week also saw us begin to prepare for our upcoming K1 Arts Festival.  Here's just a quick sneak peek from their music lesson:

Please send in as many recycled boxes, cardboard rolls, etc as you can.  We will be using them next week during Student Led Conferences... and we can alway use any odd bits and bobs!

A new April/May calendar has gone home in your child's blue folder today.  The previous March/April calendar forgot the SLCs and PD day! Please accept my apologies and refer to the new calendar for the Show and Tell roster.

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