Saturday 18 June 2016

Thank you!

Dear Parents,

Please stay tuned for a proper blog post update over the weekend, but I just wanted to say a very big thank you from me, Ms. Hadma and Mrs. Saez.  We have had a fantastic year, in no small part because of all your help and support; we really couldn't do it without you!  Thank you for the class presents -your thoughtfulness is very appreciated by all of us.  I'll have some presents for you, in the form of your child's Learning Journal and Art portfolio, as well as photos and videos taken throughout the year, which will be sent home and shared with you on Tuesday, so please be on the lookout for these items.

It really is a bittersweet time, but I know I'll have the pleasure of seeing how the students continue to grow and mature next year.  We visited Mrs. McHugh's class a couple of weeks ago and they shared their animal research posters with us.  I was very impressed!

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