Tuesday 21 June 2016

The very last post of the year...

What a wonderful year it has been!  I'm sad that this will be the last blog post for this fantastic class...

I'll start with the important housekeeping points first:  Your child's paper Learning Journal and Investigation Journal were sent home today in his/her blue folder.  Your child's Art Folder was also sent home.  Please be on the lookout for those items!  I would hate for these irreplaceable memories of K1 to get lost...

Speaking of memories, you have received an email with a link to some photos and videos of your child in action over the year.  I hope that these, in combination with the blog posts and the paper Learning Journal have given you a window into the life of your child while in K1.  It has been a pleasure to get to know them -and you.

Once again, Ms. Hadma, Mrs. Saez and I wish you all the best!

What a tall structure!
Building "the emperor's home"

Now that's a rocket that can you take you places!
Domino math

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